25 Sep 2008

It's been a while

It's been a while since my last post on this web log. OK, I'm just lazy to do it. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago my mom went to Bandung & Jakarta. On the way back my cousin Tiara decide to pass me back my old camera (Olympus C-860L). I decide to try it today installed 4 AA batteries to it, to my surprise, it's still alive! Wow, this camera brought me lots of memories. Afterall, It already accompanied me on a tour back then in Europe. However, while operating it I felt clumsy, because not used to it. However, I felt this camera is sooo easy to learn, not much option to fiddling (only exposure, white balance, Flash and ISO options available to fiddle). Hopefully I'll start taking pictures with it for some times (at least until the batteries dry up).

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