31 Okt 2008

Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warriors)

Just back from watching "laskar pelangi" (rainbow warriors). The story is about a bunch (+/- 10) kids in rural area of Belitung/Belitong, an island in Indonesia, famous for it's tin mine. The story sets back in 70s. This is a must see for every indonesian. It's a very good movie, it has almost everything needed, it got lessons without feel teached, fun without slapsticks, some moments of happiness, some moment of grief and loss, even puppy love :). I won't spoil the story here. What interest me is also the audience, who keeps coming back, it's been shown in theatres for almost a month now, and the ticket is still sold out. Today I have to sit on the second row of the seats (yeah, it's suck, but the movie is way too good to complain just for the seat). Also I listened to some comments made by some kids around, their curiousity about habit of that era. I heard someone ask "what is "teplok"? (local says refferring to oil lamp). Also I read somewhere else that someone asking about why the batteries are exposed to the sun (somehow this ellongated battery life, however don't do this because now we know that used battery are dangerously poisonous, and not to be re-used). Of course this movie is not without flaw, i could feel the cut here and there, perhaps it'll be explained better in the book. However for someone who never read the book (shame on me, normally I'll finish the book if possible) I think the flaw is still negligible. I hope in the future this will be a new production standard in Indonesian movies. One special fact I learn from this movie is all the children main characters (10+2) are native from belitong island, and have no prior experience in acting, which I think it's a huge plus. Go and see this movie, you won't regret it.

20 Okt 2008

ZTE C321 Review

Recently I reviewed Nexian FP333. Since my dad decide that he need a new phone, he asked me to go and buy ZTE C321 for longer battery life. However it turns out that he liked my Nexian better and decide to swap mine. OK, now the review.
For some unknown reason, this mobile phone cost more than Nexian FP333 now, even IDR 5000 more expensive compared to FP303. I got it for IDR 225.000.  Oh, they also offered a new model, Haier C6000 for IDR 240.000. Because I cannot see (yet) the advantage of Haier, I still choose ZTE, as asked. This phone also use standard USB port to charge (albeit smaller), similar to the port from my Optio 555 cable. Unfortunatelly, unlike Nexian's this phone could not use it as a data cable. After some searching in the internet, it seemed that the pin is propiertary (they switched the RX/TX, need to learn about this issue further). So, the possibility to use this phone as a modem is a little bit further away (I managed to do so with Nexian).
OK, for the built in feature, this phone could be configured to be less flexi-oriented (the turn on tone, ring tone, turn off tone, all could be configured to different tune). It doesn't include speakerphone :(, but include a record function (who knows, might be come handy some other time). Also include 2 games, a breakout style and sokoban (well, both are definitely more fun than Nexian's Kong Ming).
The organizer function is adequate, with up to 500 names, 3 phone number each (that's it, no address, no e-mail, no website URL). Scheduler, alarm clock, calculator, stop watch. To my delight the calculator function is similar to nexian, designed to be simpler compared to Nokia or Soner phone.
Texting with this device is nice, better grip and the keypad is nice to press. Oh, another note, the font is thinner compared to Nexian, one of the reason why my dad dislike it.
In conclusion, this phone is on par with Nexian FP 333 / FP 303. However, featurewise I think Nexian offer a more useful address book, and a speakerphone, while ZTE C321 offer call recording, better texting and more fun games. Therefore, ZTE C321 is more hybrid entertainment and communication tool, while Nexian is a better organizational and communication tool.
Bellow are the specs of ZTE C321
  • CDMA 2000 1x 800Mhz

  • 65K Color Display

  • RUIM Card

  • Midi ringtones (polyphonic)

  • Phonebook

  • SMS

  • Navigation Key

  • Recordinng & Freehand for facility

  • Schedule, Calculator, Alarm, Games

  • Language: Indonesia-English

  • 12 Months Warranty

  • Color: Black with Silver finish

4 Okt 2008

Blogs HW

Got a blog homework from Ririn Herawati. Somekind of network game. Here's the rules:

1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

Now here's the task: 10 Habits and Facts about Me.

  1. I always try to be on schedule, although I break it sometimes.

  2. Truth is sometimes best left unspoken... until accidentally said (woah).

  3. I love taking pictures wherever I go, candid is the best way to see real person.

  4. Doesn't like to sleep over at cold places.

  5. Be adventurous, try to explore new area, taste new things (do you know that bugs can taste very good) this is a good thing because I got a nasty temper when hungry.

  6. I think I'm also stubborn and somewhat thick headed, I wish I'm listening more to other people.

  7. I love movies, especially non mainstream one, I also like animation movies.

  8. I love to know people

  9. Love to browse the Internet, a habit I try to reduce but it's hard to do. Must... stop... click.... FireFox.

  10. Easily distracted.... stop that!!!!!! Now... where's that post button?? oh no, since when they change it to Publish??

Hmmm for the next ppl to write:

Andre, Tiara, Chieko, Herman, Fan, Yanuar, Jimmy, Dedi, wah who else? I can't recall anyone else I know with blogs. To all viewer, you're welcome to do this homework.